Claim your birthright
We're only a few weeks into 2024 and we have reopened membership applications for 2024. We only have limited spots for our 2024 class, so be sure to apply for yourself or a friend today

More Stories
2023 sees massive surge in new SWC members
In a world obsessed with size, we thought it's high time we celebrated life's little things. That's right the Small Wiener Club has had one heck of a year in 2023. Get ready to dive into the details of our hilarious achievement and discover why our club continues to be the most sought after membership in the world.

Laughing Off Stereotypes: The Truth About Size
In a world where bigger often seems better, let's debunk the myths and misconceptions surrounding size. Discover how humor can level the playing field and turn the spotlight on what truly matters.

Chatbots suck at writing content for this website because they won't say silly shit
We're diving into the world of content creation with censored chatbots, and we're not holding back. It's time to address the elephant in the room – how censorship can inadvertently lead to generic and less-than-stellar blogs.